Applicarion: Sports Logger: Completely record your cycling, skiing or climbing Graph

Sports Logger:
Completely record your cycling, skiing or climbing
Graph your exercise performance
Daily, weekly or monthly work out plan
Analyze your exercise result!!
Photo Tagger:
GPS Photo Tagger matches photo, media and GPS logged waypoints by time. You can creat your own Jounery.
Share your Journey with friends by uploading your files on Facebook, Flickr and Locr.
Show the altitude and speed graph.
Log View:
Completely Record informationabout each of your routes especially for racing game.
Compare and analyze each route.
Driver and racer can adjust their driving behavior.
A logging result can be saved with GPX, NMEA, KML, Excel and Bin File. You can create a logging profile.
Mileage Log:
Display all trip informationby time period, user and trip type.
Manage your driving and business trip record.
Show each track’s properties.
Show the tracks on Google Map.
Coordinate Mileage Program Edit the track data, trip properties and save as Excel files.
Specify the reimburse rate by trip types.
TSI Adventage:
Smallest Size GPS product
Long Battery
Fast satellite acquisition
High Quality MTK GPS Chip
Customize ID, HW, SW and your own brand GPS Product
Data Logger, receiver total solution manufacturer
檔案下載:Spec. and feature